
Hoover HD4149AMC 14+9kg Washer Dryer In White


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 H: 850mm x W: 600mm x D: 670mm  Wash: 14kg Dry: 9kg  C-Rated 80dB Noise Rating  Bluetooth Connectivity  WhiteHoover HD4149AMC 14+9kg Washer Dryer In WhiteH-WASH&DRY 500H-WASH&DRY 500 is the most reliable and efficient washer dryer, capable to perfectly and efficiently wash any kind of stain, taking care of fibers, thanks to the new long-lasting Eco-Power Motor.POWER CARE SYSTEMCreates a perfect mixture of water and detergent that deeply penetrates into the fibers, removing all stains even at lower temperatures giving professional results.KG MODE PLUSThe KG Mode Plus, due to a new intelligent algorithm, that perfectly adjusts water, energy and time consuption according to actual loading, optimizing resources utilization in any washing circumstance.AUTO CARE CYCLEThe Auto Care programme sets you free from chores, it is capable to automatically adapting the cleaning action to the quantity and type of the load giving the best results without any worries.COMPLETE SET OF 9 CARE CYCLESH-WASH&DRY 500 is a unique machine offering a complete set of Care Cycles, allowing to keep all your favourite clothes looking good for longer time and without any effort.14+9 KG EXTRA LARGE DRUMThe superior space optimization, plus the usage of innovative components and materials, allows to wash all family garments at once.LABEL SCAN AND VIRTUAL WARDROBEForget your landry labels! The exclusive Scan to Care function, available via hOn App, allows to create your virtual wardrobe. Just take a picture of your garment, the App will collect and store all your clothes washing instructions, suggesting the specific programme and treatment to take care of them.ECO-POWER MOTORH-WASH&DRY 500 is equipped with a new generation of PERMANENT MAGNET BRUSHLESS motor, the most long-lasting, powerful and efficient belt driven technology available.A CLASSIn compliance with the New Energy Label, this washer dryer is in A class using the washing cycle only, reducing consumption starting from 51% compared to a G class, saving energy and protecting the environment.

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